Monday, July 16, 2007

Big Brother

Anyone watching Big Brother?

I have watched every season but the first one. I know this show is totally stupid but I really like it.

I'm just curious your thoughts on the people on the show and what they are doing this season.



Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what the show is like in the US, being a Brit and all that.
But I've never really understood the fascination that there is with the show over here. The contestants are all in it to try and achieve 'celebrity' without any requisite hard work, craft or talent.
And the viewers are (in my opinion) simply being voyeuristic (despite any
intellectual defences that are made) And that really saddens me.
It also saddens me that we've exported this show around the world to you and you've given us shows like Hero's, Frasier etc. I mean, you were really short changed there.
To think we used to believe that the UK TV industry led the world in quality... (sigh)

Zanaleigh said...

Oh I know it is absolutely terrible but it's like a train wreck. I just have to see what is going on.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I am addicted to it! If that makes me a terrible person with no life then so be it. If I'm not going to be home I Tivo it.

Good gracious.....will SOMEONE please send Jen home soon!!!!!!!!!!!