Thursday, August 2, 2007

Is this true?

So I was hanging out with Bree and Shelly again. Shelly told us about another thing but I don't know if this is true everywhere, maybe just where I am.

Apparently, Shelly has a thing for firemen. Sure, I can see the attraction if they all look like the ones in the calendars. (I have never actually seen a calendar, just seen it talked about on tv.) Anyway she has a friend who is a fireman. He told her that women get dressed up and go to the station just to sleep with the men. Some of them are even married, and their wives don't have a clue about this sort of thing.

What do ya think? Is he just trying to get her to be one of these women or do people actually do this?

I have lived a very sheltered life and am still amazed at things people come up with.


Confused Husband said...

HHHmmmmm. That's a very interesting question. I'll have to ask my cousin about this one. He just recently got hired with a fire department in Northern Ca.

Just from my gut feelings though I think this guy is feeding her a line. Of course I could be wrong. Stranger things have happened.

Anonymous said...

Well speaking from a British perspective.
A good friend of mine worked at the Fire Service and I never heard anything like this.
My vote - I'm with CH above - it's a line.

Digger Jones said...

Too bad this post came after your birthday, because then XH would have known to buy you a calendar!

I knew a guy who was a firefighter, and while he did get his share of women, it wasn't at the station. But I wouldn't rule it out in some neighborhoods. It's just more likely he was having a bit of fun at the expense of your naive friends.


Therese in Heaven said...

Well, the only time I saw reference to this was a Sex and the City rerun, and I wouldn't really form any judgment on reality based off of that show.

Zanaleigh said...

I guess I'm still undecided. But I really hope he is just feeding her a line.

Desmond Jones said...

Well, Z, nothing much would surprise me anymore these days, but it sounds like a story to me. We actually have a good friend who is a fire-fighter, and, studly guy that he is, he's a complete homebody with three beautiful daughters who he dotes on adoringly.

Besides, I've been to the fire station, and there ain't much there in the way of privacy. . .

Sailor said...

I'm thinking it's a line, as well. My volunteer fire deptartment has a few members who work professionally, as well- so I asked them.

"Nahh, at least, not at the station" was the majority response.