Friday, July 27, 2007

It's my birthday

Today is my birthday!!!


Sailor said...

Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Confused Husband said...

Happy Birthday!

A belated welcome to blogging as well.

Mev Dominee said...

I am sorry I am a bit late. where I am from it is now 21:44 on Sat 28/7/07.

But anyway. Happy birthday. I trust that you had a wonderful day.

May God bless you and your family in this year to come. May you experience His Peace and Love and Grace in a new way this year.

Happy Birthday.

I do so hope that XH spoiled you today.

Shucks , I am a man and I sound all Girlie. !!!

Recovering Soul said...

Happy belated birthday!

Therese in Heaven said...

Sorry to have seen this after the fact. I hope you had a wonderful day.

Zanaleigh said...

My day was really good. I went to the zoo with the kids and some friends. And we had a great dinner and then I went to a scrapbooking night where my friends there got me a cake and ice cream.

29 isn't so bad.

Desmond Jones said...

Happy Belated, Z!

(Sorry, I was on vacation all last week)

May you live to be 120!

Or, as my Polish friends (and I have a few) say, Sto lat!